Thursday, July 31, 2014

Perginya percaya dan kembalinya beri.

ok that's one absurd post title.
ever heard of this quote? "lie once and all your truths become questionable"???
yep. wen't through that a lot and this time, it finally hit me. so. the good news is, my boyfriend lied more than once, that his truth now becomes questionable.
when others, only get once chance. aren't i such a darling? :)

sooooooo. today i went out with nom. we actually wanted to go to MTA but we got stuck in the basement. yep. THE BASEMENT. looking for a parking spot. so we decided to go to CP instead. took us almost 30 mins to get out :( ergh. it was terrible! just like pim on satnights.
we ate superrrrrr much. at red bean today. too much, that when we were on our way back, nom had to stop by a toilet by the highway:p
we weren't really on our way back, though. we had to pick beri up. yep. beri.
Maya's cat, Quinn, didn't like him so much, so she decided to give him back.
waited til 8:40 at poins square :P and THEN, we drove back home. that's it! here's som pics!

makasih traktiran makannya hari ini, nom! yeeha.

although today ended with soooo much disappointment, i was happy.
thank you! :)


Wednesday, July 30, 2014


hi, so we're giving away beri. yes. our cat. to my friend, maya. 
i'm so heart broken right now.
although it's weird that i cannot cry.
it's a good thing that i know Beri will be in Good hands :( it still tears me up, though.
:( :( :( seeing his cute little face and paws.
it makes me want to cry. but i just can't.

i'm sorry beri, that i once sort of hit you :( because you were naughty. what do you know? you're just a cat.
i'm sorry that we locked you in a cage for two whole days bcs you stink like a dead rat :( we should've showered you instead, as soon as we can.
but you know we love you.
we hugged you
played with you
carried you out and played
you know we're going to remember you as the friendliest cat we've ever had. and i hope Maya loves you waaaaaaaaay more. way way way more.

beri jangan bandel ya dirumah baru.
davia sayang beri.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Sementara teduhlah hatikuTidak lagi jauhBelum saatnya kau jatuhSementara ingat lagi mimpiJuga janji janjiJangan kau ingkari lagi

Percayalah hati lebih dari iniPernah kita laluiJangan henti disini

Sementara lupakanlah rinduSadarlah hatiku hanya ada kau dan akuDan sementara akan kukarang ceritaTentang mimpi jadi nyataUntuk asa kita ber dua

Percayalah hati lebih dari iniPernah kita laluiTakkan lagi kita mesti jauh melangkahNikmatilah laraJangan henti disini
-sementara, float.

yeaaay! hanggini just started following goofydaisy! merci love!

Eid Post

Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum (:
a lot happened during the weeks,
i've been wanting to go to this super cute place located riiight in front of summarecon mall serpong. it's called The Container. well, the place is on the second level of the building and it has container sticking out of it (with tables inside them yay)
sooooo, i finally went there with bya and her friends (kak cau and kak ainun, plus, uthie, kak cau's lil sissy). the place was nice and comfy (but do visit on the afternoon because i cannot imagine being inside the container with super big windows without curtains on a sunny daaay)
so the serve steaks and pastas and sandwiches. the food costed okay, had big portions, aaaand, tasted nice! yep! i have definitely considered re-visiting with bya.
here's some pics i took of the place:

my grades are finally out! i was sort of surprised bcs my so-called ipk ACTUALLY increased from 3.3 to 3.4! yipeeeee! now that i finally feel okay i can go on a holiday without feeling bad about my grades!
me and my girls are going to singapore next month. i'm super excited, it's my first time going abroad without my ma pa and sis :p but me and bya are saving to go to Korea hehe yep just the two of us! how exciting and thrilling at the same time, right??

so how was your Eid Al-Fitr?
mine was nice, although Eid Al-Fitr this year didn't feel as special as the ones before. idk why.

oh and i also have this wonderful newsss! goofydaisy finally reached

YEP. 2527 followers to be exact! hihihihi and not to mention a lot of people ordering already :( i still have 13 to finish and send after 01 august. HWAAAA so tired and happy at the same timmme!!

that's probably the end of the post.

i've been going crazy about this song, budapest by George Ezra. you guys should and listen as well.


Monday, July 14, 2014

I Forgot How To Draw


it's been weeks. and all i do is eat, sleep, watch movies, take pictures, paint eiffel miniatures and shit :(

ohya and i recently just downloaded this cute app for videos hihi here's some i did.

(maafkan kecentilan gue.
dan nyokap gue.
btw, the one with my mom in it was staged)

gue.....juga akhirnya sudah mencoba oreo goreng. (you can find it at phd!!!)

ohya. it's been so long since i saw nom :(
can hardly waaaait!

that's all then.



Wednesday, July 9, 2014

One Hectic Week

hi. so my week was hectic.
how was yours?

i changed my background bcs i got bored of the fruity pebbles one.
i voted for the very first time yesterday (i was old enough to vote before this election but i guess no one caught my attention so yeah, i just sort of stayed in bed)

but something else happened yesterday. israel attacked gaza. so here's something.

my timeline's full of people tweeting or posting things with #PrayForGaza
but here's the thing,
hashtags won't help.
like, at all.

now here's something that will definitely CHANGE, something. might not be much, but at least it's something.
donate to them.
to my fellow indonesian friends.

donasi KNRP Pusat

BSM 701.836.2133
BCA 7600.325.099
a/n Komnas Untuk Rakyat Palestina

konfirmasi donasi ke (021)7812311

oh ya, i sort of ate at pizza e birra two days ago and tried the orea pizza or something i forgot the name of it but it has oreos on top of it so yea hahahahhahahha

uggggh, heaven felt so closeeeeee:(

so that's prob it.
hihihihi byeeee


love you nom! :P

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Postingan menjelang pilpres

sebelumnya, salam dua jari buat kalian semua dari gue! :)
pendukung atau bukan pendukung, kita satu keluarga.

post ini, nggak akan gue sia siain dengan mengumbar kejelekan capres #1 kita. karena semua punya kekurangan dan kelebihan mereka masing masing.

yang buruk tuh, kita.
iya. kalau kata gue sih...
kita, sama sama ngerusak (literally loh, ngerusak) Jakarta yang "ngakunya" kita cintai. dan, kita juga, yang dengan kompaknya ngelempar kesalahan itu kepada satu orang.
bukan, bukan ngebela Jokowi. tapi ini bener. gue nggak suka buang sampah sembarangan sih, tapi gue nggak munafik. gue PERNAH. lo, semua yang pernah, apalagi sering, gue rasa bener-bener nggak ada setitik pun berhak, ngomentarin banjir yang masih terus rutin bertamu ke ibukota kita. toh, salah sampah lo juga. sampah yang LO buang. terus kalau banjir, salah Jokowi? are you referring him as God? halo? emangnya dia bisa buat banjir?!?!

sebenernya bukan protes soal banjir doang yang bikin eneg. ada lagi yang bikin kepala gue makin geleng-geleng.
kenapa sih, mau pilih presiden aja harus liat dari fisik?
are we THAT fucked up, guys?
kenapa harus yang terlihat gagah? emang mau dipamerin? ini presiden negara bro, bukan pacar!
lo seyakin itu, dengan fisik gagah, orang udah pasti bisa ngebenerin negara kita? guys. lain kali, kalau mau sok ala ala kampanyean via sosmed, biar terlihat peduli sam negara atau politik, make sure lo terlihat peduli DAN, pintar. bukan peduli tapi BODOH.

mau lo kata jokowi blusukan tuh pencitraan kek
prabowo pencitraan naik kuda dan ketemu rakyat pake helicopter kek
ya emang harus gitu. namanya juga menjelang pilpres, bro. semua pencitraan buat dapet dukungan. kalo kagak gitu siapa yang mau milih? mediang buyut buyut lo ha?
kalo mereka berdua diem aja, kita mau milih berdasarkan apa?

dan jujur, i admire Prabowo's intelligence and stuff.
but it's just no longer his era, guys.
dan melihat negara kita yang berantakannya udah parah gini, gue rasa kita perlu diperbaiki, setelah itu di tegasi. bukan di tegasi sambil diperbaiki.
think wisely,
learn from the past.
jangan kita buat kerusuhan di masa depan yang sebenernya engga perlu.
tapi sekali lagi, semua berhak memilih pilihannya. cuma jangan sampai pemimpin kita nanti merenggut kedemokrasian negara kita ya ;) just saying.

let's all take a moment, to remind ourselves, kalau apa yang kita lihat, kita dengar, dan kita baca, adalah apa yang media ingin kita lihat, dengar, dan baca.
politik itu kotor. Negara kita jg. jangan langsung percaya hanya dengan nonton berita.
kita ngga bisa dengan gampangnya ngomong "Jokowi boneka Mega" karena sesungguhnya, kita tau apa? kita saja tidak pernah melihat bukti konkrit jokowi diperintah Megawati.
jangan dengan gampangnya ngomong Prabowo dalang dari tragedi mei 98, karena kita orang dalam saja bukan. kita tahu apa?


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Here's to my new Online Shop!

so it's not exactly new, but...
(i'll talk in bahasa incase someone googled miniature eiffel.)
gue, yaaaaaa kalian udah taulah ya gue jual miniature eiffel.
banyak ya diluar?
banyak. bedanya.....di gue bisa custom. (Serius!!)
kalau mau tau lebih bisa check ig online shop gue yap! ;P @goofydaisy.

harga ngga gue cantumin disini ya.
ya....kalau mau tau lebih bisa hubungin gue atau kakak gue...(contact person ada di bio di ig olshop kitah).
tapi gue bisa janjiin ini ya. harganya terjangkau kok. serius. malah kalau lo ke mall mall, harga miniature eiffel yang bronze dan super mainstream itu adaloh yang lebih mahal dari minature eiffel yg gue jual. tapi engga semua ya. i repeat, engga semua.
nah, karena gue #antimainstream, ini cocok banget. ada yang full satu warna. ada yg ombre ada yg rainbow. lucu kan. cucok banget buat hiasan di kamar :--) atau kalau rumah kamu colorful jg tp kalo mau warna gelap jg bisa. warna bisa request.
jadi... ayo beli. (yea, rada maksa). 
ok itu aja. hari ini cuma mau promosi.
btw, ramadhan kareem guys!
