Sunday, September 30, 2012


Cheers to the best month! October! God Bless all the people born in October hihihihihi mwa

Hehehehehehehehe so happy its going to be october soon. I'm not happy about the fact that I'm turning seventeen in october. its just that every october has always been special. and i hope this october, i get to spend most of my days with ricky :) hihi
Its funny how i get angry so easily. but its even funnier that THATS what makes me know that I cannot love anyone else but him. Cause i dont give a fuck when people dont text me. when people dont have time for me and shit. its just that ricky....he's special.
We might fight a lot but believe me its all worth it nom :') ohya im so in loooove with this pic of me and nomnom i just took todaaaaay!

HWAAAA >_< aren't we just made for each other?!?!
I AM SO OUT OF THINGS TO WRITE. But whatever Ricky will Always always be my favorite topic and you guys would just have to deal with that because he's just so funny and cute and charming :''''''') I guarantee you will LOVE HIM. i mean who doesn't. i do. a lot. more than anyone could ever love him. probably more than that lucky girl who's going to take my place one day he he :")
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH FUCK NO. me and ricky are going to stick together. 
until death do us part.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Long Time No Post!

Got an early birthday present from daddy hihihihihihihihi waaait for it....badummm tssss. a macbook pro! i am like the happiest girl right now ehehehehehehe :D thank you so much paaaaaa me love you. although i'm still bimbang & galau about what to call my macbook. i want the name to be Harrison because my fam's iPad's name is Paul McCartney and my iPod name's Ringo Starr + ricky's ninja's name is John Lennon. so i think it would be cool to call my mac Harrison as in George Harrison hihi but i also want to name it Houdini because....i dont know actually. i just think its cool. ahahahahahah :$
so i brought 2h (Harrison/Houdini) to school today and danced Gangnam style with a couple of my girlsssss hihihihihihihihihi i would love to share the vid but i'll probably do that next time okay?
sooooo hm. i really dont know what else to write :( huhuhuhuhu UN's getting closer and i dont even feel like studying anymore because the subjects are getting even weirder and weirder. at least to me ok.
:") i've been so galau because i had to give up on "germany". :"(
ANDDDDDDDDDD my other college options would be UI, LSPR / Prasmul. although my first option sounds too dreamy ehe. i am pretty sure that i'm going to fail hohohohohohoho. not to sound too pessimist but i just know that i'm not that smart nor lucky so yea whatever hehe.
hmmmmmm so i'm thinking about discussing about the tawuran thats lately so "happening" in jkt ehe. i don't want people outside indo to think i'm rude so i'll blog about this in bahasa ;)

Jadi, approximately kemarin malam sekitar jam 7/8, gue ngedapet bm yg isinya kurang lebih tentang "Tawuran itu terjadi karena terlalu banyak aturan dari pihak sekolah." di bm itu dijelasin soal "tidak adanya jaminan setelah lulus kita bakal langsung dapat kerja. kasih jaminanlah!" && "biarkan sekolah jadi tempat yang asyik. tidak usah terlalu pedulikan soal rambut gondrong".
pertama. menurut pendapat gue, yang sekarang masih menduduki kelas 12 jadi ya masih pelajar tulenlah. Kok bisa ya orang buat bm gitu? i mean lucu gak sih lo baca "terlalu banyak aturan" halo. kita tinggal di kota bro. belajar biar jd orang sukses. belajar disiplin. kita bukan di hutan. lo mau jadi apa kalo gak ada aturan? yang ada malah ancur kali. hmmmm kalo emang udah capek diatur silahkan pindah aja ke hutan biar gedenya main sama monyet macan kebo dan semacamnya deh! bukan salah sekolah. jangan salahin sekolah karena belum berhasil mendidik kita! guru-guru bukannya tidak pernah memberi contoh. cuma sifat sifat labil anak sma yang bikin mereka terlalu keras kepala buat ngedengerin omongan guru-guru mereka sendiri.
terus soal jaminan kerja. ampun deh. lo kira dapet kerja segampang garuk ketek?
emang semua berkualitas? ngikutin aturan aja pada males! gimana pas kerja entar. kita semua cuma bisa komentar tentang jakarta yang ancur ga disiplin dan blabla. salah siapa? salah kita yang jadi isinya.
emang dengan dikasih rambut gondrong itu bakal memperkurang kemungkinan adanya tawuran antar sekolah? HALO. tolong dong ngotak dikit. dari sisi mananya itu nyambung?
tawuran itu terjadi karena kita terlalu ngandelin emosi. bukan otak. padahal kita sekolah buat mengasah otak tuh bukan hati.
kalau gue sih, gak akan bilang kematian orang yang "ikut" serta dalam tawuran itu ngenes. dan sampe capek-capek cari pelakunya. toh itu udah konsekuensi si korban yang ikut. tapi kalo dia ga ikut beda lg ya!
i mean, kalo mau tawuran aja lagi. biar mati satu-satu. toh jakarta sudah sangatlah sempit. gak kuat nampung terlalu banyak lagi orang sampah yang gak ngotak. kalo emang mau jakarta bersih, yang harus dibuang bukan sampah di jalanannya. tapi sampah masyarakatnya. bitches please.

oke. davia pun mulai emosi. bwahahahahahahaha! =))
hmmmmm i'm going to finish my post for today hihihihihihihihihihihihi.... thank you so much for reading. i guess i'll write to you guys pretty soon then!x

davia. hihi

Saturday, September 15, 2012

D's back!

Oooohhh my its so great to be blogging again hehe jsyk, i'm blogging via iPad right now because my modem hasn't been on for months :( and its not even mine so hehe i hope i get my own laptop soon! :)
Hmmmmmm today i went home with nomnom and ate ice cream at top buah segar hehehe we're happy. I don't even know why i'm telling you this i am so out of stories and shit :/ haaaaaaaaaa.........
Its been busy lately with all the twelve grader stuff. You know like boring myself to death-_- with all the crap i have no idea what for.
Hmmmmmm my classmates are still very amazing as always hehe so i'm going to share some pics of me and themmmmm!
I honestly don't know whats with us but its like all of the national exam hasnt been in our heads. All we think about is uno and having fun hehe which is good and very bad at the same time. Enouh for today's post then. Oia. Follow my instagram! trdavia ;) thaaaaank youuuuu